Narrative designer and writer with AAA, AA, and indie experience specializing in punchy dialogue, ensemble casts, and climactic payoffs.


    • Anthropological approach to building immersive societies & cultures that feel innate to the game setting

    • Character concept deck creation based on the needs and limitations of game scope

    • Concise documentation of narrative explanations for core features and game loop systems

    • Identification of appropriate channels for delivering narrative content based on game genre and believability

    • Design briefs and flow charts for macro narrative and character arcs and micro quest/mission completion

    • Length-flexible scriptwriting for both minimalistic (ie. narrative-to-cinematics) and complex (ie. narrative-to-realization-to-mocap-to cinematics) pipelines

    • Pacing design for when to make use of high fidelity cutscenes, player-controlled interactive scenes, and flyovers with voiceover narration

    • Snappy NPC barks for open world immersion, combat, and run-based progression

    • Objective-based and player guidance self-talk for highlighting important interactables in-world and game paths forward

    • Journal (audio and readable) entries for environmental storytelling

    • Codices, item descriptions, and lore entries stored in permanently accessible UI archives


Temp contracts for small teams with experimental game loops.
Unity, Unreal, and Renpy are adored. Reach out below!